GMU Statistics Collaboration Core

Mason Statistics – Mason CPH

Welcome to Mason Statistics – Mason CPH Collaborations

New Project

  • Plan well in advance for important deadlines. Here are some suggested guidelines:
    • Grant proposals: 2 months advance booking
    • Conference Abstract: 1 month advance booking
    • Projects requiring offline work: 2 weeks advance booking
    • Onsite solutions: 2 business days minimum advance booking pending availability
  • Read the policies:
    • Authorship Policy. We follow the authorship policies set forth by George Mason University and the Profession: An author is commonly considered to be an individual who has made substantial, direct, intellectual contributions to the work during the conceptualization of a study, conduct of the research or scholarship, analysis and interpretation of data, or drafting and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Discussions pertaining to authorship (e.g. order of authorship, target journals for submissions, level of support for proposals, etc.) will begin with the initial project meeting and should be agreed upon by all parties.
    • Priority, when there are competing projects, will be given to projects requiring substantial statistical analyses and/or the simultaneous development of new statistical methodology.
  • Follow the steps below to connect with our statisticians:
    1. Complete and submit the Stat-CPH new project intake form.
      • Before submitting the form, obtain approval from the Associate Dean for Research at CPH. 
    2. Once we receive your completed intake form, we will contact you within three business days. You may also sign-up for a quick meeting during our walk-in hours, if appropriate

Walk-In Hours

To Be Announced

More Information

For more information, please visit our Contact Us page.